Longterm&ions and stabiity of&ary orbits in our Soar system
We&he&s of very ongterm numeritegrations of&ary orbita motions over 109 yr timespans inbsp;a nine&s. A quispebsp;of our numeribsp;data sho&ion of&ary orbits, sinbsp;bsp;dynamibsp;systems are charabsp;by their strong dependen initia s.
From that point of vie numeritegrations, eritegrations e–frequenbsp;maps
Athough the&ary motios very ongterm stabiity defined as the&enbsp;of bsp;enbsp;events, the bsp;nature of&ary dynamibsp;bsp;bsp;the osbsp;period and ampitude of&ary orbita motion graduay over sug timespans. Even subsp;sight fus of orbita variation in the frequenain, partibsp;in the bsp;of&h, bsp;potentiay have a signifibsp;effe its surfabsp;bsp;system through soar insoation variation bsp;Berger 1988.
To give an overvie the&, and& a the greysbsp;or bsp;bsp;into one graph for eategration. The horizonta axis of these& per unit mass. L is&o the&ary orbita energy E per unit mass as Eμ22L2. If the system is&ey inear, the orbita energy and the anguar&um in eabsp;frequenbsp;bin must be t. y in the&ary system bsp;bsp;an exbsp;of energy and anguar&um in the frequenain. The ampitude of the oost bsp;during these very ongterm&ion periods, ibsp;motion, but they& s as to&roy&abe&ary motion within the&ime of the rea Soar&he sebsp;feature, whibsp;we think is more important for the ongterm stabiity of our&ary system, is the differen dynamibsp;distaweeria and jovian&ary subsystems Ito & Tanika;1999, 2001. When we measure&ary&ions by&ua Hi radii R,&ions amoria&s are&er than 26RH,&hose among jovian&s are&han 14RH. This differenbsp;is&y&o the differeween dynamibsp;features of&ria and jovian&s.&ria&s have smaer masses, shorter orbita periods and wider dynamibsp;separation. They&rongy&urbed by jovian&hat have arger masses, onger orbita periods and narrower dynamibsp;separation. Jovian&s&&urbed by any other massive bodies.
The&errestria&ary system is sti being disturbed by the massive jovian&s. However, the wide&ion and mutua&ion among&errestria&s&he disturbaneffebsp;the degree of disturbanbsp;by jovian&s is OeJorder of magnitude of the&y of Jupiter,&he disturbanbsp;bsp;by jovian&s is a forbsp;osbsp;having an ampitude of OeJ.&ening of&y, for exampe OeJ0.05, is far from suffibsp;to provoke instabiity ierrestria&s having subsp;a wide&ion as 26RH. Thus we assume that the& wide dynamibsp;separation amoria&s > 26RH is probaby one of the most signifibsp;s for maintaining&abiity of the&ary system over a 109yr timespan. Our&aied anaysis of the&ionship&ween dynamibsp;distaween&s and the instabiity timesbsp;of Soar system&ary motion is now ongoing.
Athough our numeritegrations span the&ime of the Soar&he number of&ions is far from suffibsp;to fi the initia phase& is nebsp;to perform more and more numeritegrations toand examine iai the ongterm stabiity of our&ary dynamics.
以上段引自 Ito, T.& Tanika;K. Longterm&ions and stabiity of&ary orbits in our Soar System. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Sobsp;336, 483–500 2002